Chapter 2 “When Did The New World Order Really Begin? The Story of Satan.

4. Fiat Currency: Is not worth the paper it is printed on. The only true money in Scripture is gold and silver. The debt is unsustainable, beyond trillions. The Globalists created it and they will crash it when they think it is the right time. The fix will be a cashless or digital currency which will be more worthless than paper money but will have the power to control people’s lives. Total slavery!. Read The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.

5. Fluoride: This is an aluminum waste by-product developed by the Nazis to sedate their captives. It is a neurotoxin sold to the sheeple as a cavity fighter, however, just the opposite is true. It also causes bone cancer and mental disorders. After all, it’s expensive to dump toxic waste – so why not sell it to the public which is a story for another time. Many other toxins, fetal tissue, and poisons have entered our food chain, especially at McDonald’s.

6. Geo-Engineering/climate change: This by far is the one single greatest threat to the survival of planet earth. Again, it is well documented on the net by Geo-Engineering which along with other websites has volumes of documentation.

I am 77 years old–old enough to remember what the real blue sky looked like. The tic-tac-toe cloud patterns we see today are caused by Chem Trail Spraying. This is climate warfare. Fossil fuels make up only the smallest percentage of climate change. If they can get the public to believe it is fossil fuels that are causing problems then the globalists will gain more control by implementing Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, The Green New Deal, etc. We lose more freedoms while the globalists make more money. Do your homework. Weather anomalies such as snow in the desert, 70 degrees in the Arctic, 30 degrees one day and 60 plus degrees the next, fires and floods the next day, and the list goes on.

What is in a chem trail – heavy metals, aluminum, barium, coal tar, and disease pathogens to name a few. Climate change is real, but what is causing it? The debate goes on. nonetheless, Geo-Engineering is poisoning our environment and killing all life on planet earth. We are headed for biosphere collapse or omnicide based upon the rapid decline of the earth’s ecosystem. Some say that We have only about five years remaining. Predictions may differ, but the proof is undeniable. They are killing the planet. Watch the documentary Movie entitled Planet of the Humans by Michael Moore.

7. GMO Foods: The article 50 problems caused by GMOs worldwide details many books that have been written about the destructive nature of GMOs. This is one of the easiest researched topics on the internet. GMOs fit into the depopulation agenda and are a big money-maker for chemical companies. GMOs promised to raise production and reduce costs for farmers, however, just the opposite is true. We now have superbugs and superweeds causing the use of more Round-up containing Glyphosate which kills the good bacteria in our guts causing an epidemic of autoimmune diseases. It also changes human DNA. Glyphosate is water-soluble and has saturated our entire Eco System. See a reference regarding Indian farmers. Jeffery M. Smith has written 2 books on genetically engineered foods.

8. Mind Control: Mind control has many facets. There is a frequency for every disease and every emotion. The original author of mind control was Satan the devil. Ephesians 2:2 in which you

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