I want to thank my Heavenly Father and His Son for His sacrifice that delivered us from ourselves, our sins, and the works of the devil.
For over fifty years I have been a truth-seeker. I am most grateful to my past mentors, teachers, and fellow ministers who have helped me build the foundation of truth that I present to you in this book.
To all the brave researchers and journalists who risked their lives, and in some cases, were killed in exposing secret societies and globalists AGENDAS enslaving and deceiving humankind into worshiping their “god” Lucifer. I too could be risking my life to expose the AGENDAS of the evil ones and articulating how and why their New World Order will fail.
George Orwell said: “in a time of universal deception, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” We now live in such a time!
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Ruthann Lange says:
2022-05-22 at 5:32 am Edit
HalleluYAH…….wonderful Just past 1st Chapter, but clapping my hands in approval. RIGHT on TRUTH Thank you both………
Larry Scher says:
2022-05-24 at 2:21 pm Edit
Thank you so very much for your wonderfully kind comment. There will be much more on the website shortly. Please take another look at it as there will be many more comments from Yah’s people searching for truth.
With much love and kindness,
Pastor Larry Scher & Vicki Scher